Learning training guide for viable Social Enterprises business models addressing challenges based on SDGs – Inspire

Learning training guide for viable Social Enterprises business models addressing challenges based on SDGs

Learning training guide for viable Social Enterprises business models addressing challenges based on SDGs

This learning training guide aims to empower young people in creating successful and viable social enterprises through best practices and examples, setting targets in connection to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and efficiently using social media for their cause. If you seek for inspiration and accumulated experience in making your social cause a sustainable social enterprise this guide is for you.

This guide constitutes one more tool for fostering Social entrepreneurship and strengthening the skills of young people and youth trainers. Thus, it directly applies to the development of the potential of young people who want to start their Social enterprises. Additionally, it sets the base for the potential scenarios of the game.

The guide is based on strong foundations via research, about social entrepreneurship and legal frameworks, types of business models for social enterprises, SDGs based challenges and opportunities for new social entrepreneurs, examples of successful social enterprises and activities to promote social entrepreneurship and the effective use of social media for a social enterprise (tools, methods, examples and activities).

Table Of Contents


Brief overview on social entrepreneurship and Sdg’s

Comparative analysis on the overall picture of social entrepreneurship and legal frameworks      

Comparative analysis on the role of SDG’s in public and business agenda

Types of business models for social enterprises

SDGs-based business models     

Other Business Models 

Revenue models for entrepreneurs – Forbes Magazine’s classification     

Current successful business models – Bernard Marr’s classification            

Social business models – Grassl’s classification    

Useful Tools for any business model       

Management skills every social entrepreneur should boost        

Challenges and opportunities for new social entrepreneurs based on sdg’s         

Possible challenges you will face              





SDGs as a source of opportunities            

Successful examples of social enterprises           




Activities and programs to promote social entrepreneurship


Evaluation sheets for the previous activities        


The use of social media by youth and social enterprises

Introduction to the use of social media in partner countries         

Opportunities and challenges regarding the use of social media by social enterprises       



Main objectives of the use of social media in social enterprises and relevant channels     

Main objectives

 Relevant Channels         

Good practices for effective use of social media 

Social media tools

Tools for developing your Social Media strategy

Tools for scheduling your content in Social Media             

Methods for engaging new members for the core team of the social enterprise through the use of social media  

Examples of the effective use of social media by social enterprises           

Methods for engaging more people via the use of Social Media  

Activities to improve you skills in effective use of Social Media in Social Enterprises       

