Part 1 – Inspire

Part 1

Part 1

The present Methodological guide will introduce you to the whole project. It sets the research basis for all other outputs. Most importantly it led partners to get to know each other better and to build a relationship, as well as affiliate within this proposal and work towards common understandings and goals for each of the outputs proposed.

Table of Contents:

Summary of the Project

Overview of the project

Objectives of 01 Methodological guide of Inspire Project

Methodology undertaken for 01 Part 1

Unemployment of Youth

Overview of unemployment rate of young people in Europe

Greece unemployment status

Cyprus unemployment status

Spain unemployment status

Entrepreneurship as a solution to improve employment of youth

Definition of entrepreneurship

Young people can become good entrepreneurs

Definition of start ups

Start ups in the partner countries

Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development goals (SDG)

Definition of SDGs

Various worldwide initiatives for taking closer SDGs to young people

Social Entrepreneurship definition

Types of Social Enterprises

The most common categories of social enterprises in Greece

The most common categories of social enterprises in Cyprus

The most common categories of social enterprises in Spain

Percentages of active social enterprises

Percentage of active social enterprise in Greece

Percentage of active social enterprise in Cyprus

Percentage of active social enterprise in Spain

EU policies programs and or funding schemes and networks that promote social entrepreneurship

Policies promoting Social Entrepreneurship in Greece

Policies promoting Social Entrepreneurship in Cyprus

Policies promoting Social Entrepreneurship in Spain

Social Start-ups

Definition of social start-ups and significant EU examples

Examples of social start-ups in partner countries

Examples of social start-ups in Greece

Examples of social start-ups in Cyprus

Examples of social start-ups in Spain

The role of teams in start ups

Composition of Teams in Social Start-ups in Greece

Composition of Teams in Social Start-ups in Cyprus

Composition of Teams in Social Start-ups in Spain

Networks supporting social start ups in partners countries

Networks supporting of social entrepreneurship in Greece

Networks supporting of social entrepreneurship in Cyprus

Networks supporting of social entrepreneurship in Spain

Educational projects that promote social entrepreneurship

 Educational projects that promote Social Entrepreneurship in Greece

Educational projects that promote Social Entrepreneurship in Cyprus

Educational projects that promote Social Entrepreneurship in Spain

Factors driving young people to turn into the field of social entrepreneurship

Obstacles young people might face in starting their enterprise

Obstacles in Greece

Obstacles in Cyprus

Obstacles in Spain

Best practices that promote entrepreneurship within youth

Best practices of local projects and EU projects that promote social entrepreneurship within youth (18-24) in Greece

Best practices of local projects and EU projects that promote social entrepreneurship within youth (18-24) in Cyprus

Best practices of local projects and EU projects that promote social entrepreneurship within youth (18-24) in Spain
