Challedu pioneers new models of learning, inclusion and engagement. Its team consists of educators, teachers, experts, game designers and designs playful experiences and games with the aim to transform every activity into an irresistible experience. The scope is to unlock the transformative power of people as seekers and solvers of complex problems, risk takers, inventors and visionaries. Our work also empowers creativity, fantasy, inclusion and empathy. We work with university students, school children and young people for engaging them with innovation, entrepreneurship, societal problems, and science by empowering their soft-skills, and emotional intelligence. We also empower and provide inclusive experiences for special groups like refugees, children with disabilities and old people with dementia. On the same line Challedu provides seminars to educators, trainers and professionals (eg. phsychologists, ergotherapists, social workers). In total we have more than 5000 people that have participated in our programs in the last 2 years.
Media Creativa (MC2020) is the result of over 20 years of experience, challenges and lessons learned from an interdisciplinary group of professionals who share a common passion: educational innovation. MC2020 works to bring value to learning environments by researching, designing and developing different training programmes, inspired by innovative methodologies and pedagogical approaches such as storytelling (including digital storytelling), problem-based training, gamification, game-based learning, etc. By using applications, games, webseries, webinars and mobile learning, we focus on seizing the full potential offered by new technologies.
MC2020 develops studies, analyse training needs, design and offer courses through our campus (, and organise specifically designed and customised workshops and conferences, mainly addressed for c-VET and adult learners. More than 900 students were trained on the e-learning and b-learning delivered courses, comprising over 1200 hours of specialised VET training. These students come from different backgrounds and are mainly professionals from diverse economic sectors.
Citizens In Power (CIP) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that addresses the needs and demands of people through their involvement in social and civic life by simultaneously providing them innovative material and free trainings related with a variety of fields, such as education (including on-line education), math and STEM, entrepreneurship and business, culture, global education, labor market and lifelong learning. As an innovative Research Center, CIP mainly aims at the development of education and entrepreneurship in Cyprus and abroad. To achieve these targets CIP has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, NGOs and research organizations in Cyprus, aiming at the development of projects, innovative training and relevant educational material. CIP retains a constant staff composed of both paid staff/researchers and project-based researchers/trainers whilst the organization maintains a considerable network of professional trainers/educators and educational experts/researchers, experienced in various -nonformal and formal – education methodologies and sectors, who are constantly active in conducting scientific research, thus delivering workshops, lectures and training. This particular staff and network is considered competent to contribute to the implementation of different types of activities, such as research activity, training and educational platforms, which respond to the initiatives of CIP and its partners.
The FAMILY SUPPORT CENTRE OF THE HOLY ARCHDIOCESE OF ATHENS (FSC) was founded in 1999. Its vision is a World without discriminations, where all families will be “rich” having not only materials but morals too, and children – the adults of tomorrow – to be “healthy” and joyful.
Means of achievement of the above goals are appointed the settlement of
- A Family counseling Center, where we provide psychosocial support and counseling, legal aid, healthcare services, career development facilitation, regular parents’ schools
- A social grocery store offering regularly supplies for essential necessities, clothing, household equipment and food
- A series of foreign languages seminars for the adult beneficiaries, as well as vocational training, professional skills workshops and scholarship
For the achievement of the aforementioned goals the Family Support Center co-operates with organizations and services either of public or private sector, native or foreign ones who pursue the same or similar goals. So far we minister 1576 households, 573 single-parent families, 2586 children aged 0-18 years, 98 gender-based violence victims.
This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This website all its contents reflect views only of author, Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.
[Project number: 2019-3-EL02-KA205-005215]